

World Prop Tech Platform

PaceStyle is a real estate and home matching service platform

Get the App

Use AI technology to find the perfect property for you worldwide

Monthly rent payment is automatically completed just by registering a credit card

From preview listing to sign contracts, everything with just one app

Easy communication between the borrower and the lender by using the chat function with an interpreter

Private Rent

You can rent a property from a month or more with furniture and appliances. Recommended for people who are staying in the medium term, such as travel, business, and study abroad.

Freestyle Rent

With a contract between individuals, you can freely rent a property for over a year. Because it is a direct interaction with the owner, it is profitable without any intermediary fees. The PaceStyle app supports contract procedures, rent payments, and communication between tenants and lenders.

General Rent

It is a traditional rental method that rents properties through an intermediary company.

Get Started Find a new home with PaceStyle

Click here if you want to rent a property

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